Faq Question & Answer

Try a unique beer-tasting experience at the new beer museum!”World Beer Museum”

1. What kind of store is the World Beer Museum?

The World Beer Museum, Tokyo Skytree Town Solamachi store is a store located next to the Tokyo Skytree® with open-air seats that can seat more than 300 people. It usually has more than 15 types of mainly rare draft beer that have been imported into Japan for the first time and including bottled beer, there are more than 150 types of beer available. The store is a restaurant where you can enjoy all these together with cuisine from various countries.
There are 5 beer counters in the store that are replicas of the bar counters from the various countries. Move to the next beer counter and you’ll be transported into a different world. You will get to taste not only delectable cuisine but also the unique ambience that each country offers in a setting that is designed for you to fully savor the flavor of each beer. There is also a display of a world beer map showing at one glance information on the world’s beers at the store front. Besides information on the beers that you can try in the store, you can also learn more about various beers from countries around the world.
All visitors to the “World Beer Museum” will have the opportunity to enjoy and savor new beer in a unique setting, and taste the cuisine from each country at the same time.

2. How much is the entrance fee?

Although the store is called a museum, the World Beer Museum is a beer restaurant and so no entrance fee is required.

3. Can reservations be made?

At the present moment, we do not accept reservations.

4. Can we bring children or baby cars into the store?

Drinking by minors is strictly prohibited by law but the menu includes soft drinks and food, so feel free to come with your children.

5. Are wheelchairs allowed?

The store is large enough to seat more than 300 people and there are no steps or stairs in the store, so visitors in wheelchairs are most welcome.

6. Is smoking permitted?

No smoking is permitted in the store. Smokers may smoke in the designated smoking areas within Solamachi.

7. Can pets be brought into the store?

Pets are not allowed in the store.
Please note that there is no facility for pets either.
※ Visitors accompanied by their partner dogs (dogs for the disabled, blind or deaf people) may use all the facilities together with their dogs.

8. There is a beer that I liked. Do you make deliveries or accept orders over the Internet?

Most of the draft beers and some of the bottled beers can only be enjoyed in the store in Japan and unfortunately, they are not sold over the Internet.
Delivery service is limited to orders for cases containing the same item.
※ Orders will not be accepted for items that are low in stock.

9. Can we bring outside food and drinks into the store?

Outside food and drinks are prohibited in the store.


World Beer Museum, Tokyo Skytree Town, Solamachi Store

E-Mail : w.b.m@world-liquor-importers.co.jp